Elixir Shop

The Elixir Shop is the place to host giveaways, whitelist opportunities, and so much more! The shop feature is located on your collection or group's Elixir page. A shop item is created similarly to other quest functions. Let's dive in below.

1. Start from your Elixir page, select the 'Create' button and then select 'New Quest'. 2. Under the 'Cost' drop down select 'Fixed'. 3. We support raffle and FCFS via the Elixir platform. 4. To set up a raffle you must follow the previous steps, then under the 'Distribution' drop-down select Raffle. Then return to the 'Cost' drop-down and select 'Tickets'. You can now set a ticket cost, and the max amount of tickets to purchase for 1 person. 5. For FCFS follow steps 1 and 2 then set the price per entry under the 'Entry Cost' field. 6. Now fill out the other information like Name, Award, Required Role, and Start and End time. Feel free to make your quest personal by adding an image and banner URL. Copy the image address from an online hosted image. (Twitter, Discord, etc) 7. Hit 'Create Quest' and define any rules you might want or need. 8. Make sure your quest is 'Active' and share with the community!

Last updated