How do I Create a Quest?

Note: To create a quest you must:

  1. Have created and had your collection approved

  2. Be an Admin of the server, or been given access by the creator of the collections Elixir profile.

Starting a Quest

  1. Select the collection you'd like to start a quest from

  2. Select 'Add New Quest'

  3. Fill out the list as needed. Filling out these correctly is important to your quest.

  4. Once you've filled out whats needed hit 'Create Quest'

Defining the quest

Your quest requires steps to complete. These steps are decided by you, the creator.

  1. Make sure you are under the quest you wish you launch/edit

  2. Click the 'Add step' button

  3. from there select which tasks you want those completing the quest to do.

  4. Create your first step, and as mean steps as you wish your quest to have.

  5. Once your quest is ready to launch head back to your collections page and view 'active' quests. If you do not see your quest here you may have set it to 'closed' and need to turn it active.

Note: For a master list of tasks please view the next page

Last updated