How do I Manage the Elixir bot?

Roles not being assigned? Channel not receiving lists? There's a few steps you may need to take to make sure the bot is working its best for you.

  1. Make sure the bot has been invited to your server. You will be to have admin rights to the server for this. You can invite the bot by visiting your existing collections page and adding the bot from the Elixir notice.

  2. After you've successfully added the bot to your server you'll need to make sure it has the correct placement among other roles. In your discord server go to server settings -> Roles -> find the bot and drag it up. You will only need to drag it above roles you need it to make changes to.

  3. Create a new channel in your server for the Elixir bot to auto share and tag the winners of your quests. You'll need to make sure the bot has the necessary permission on this channel to post. Below are the necessary settings. note: for best results make sure only the bot can post in this channel by restricting.

Now the bot and channels are set up you can expect eligible winners of quests to be announced and awarded so long as the quest is set up correctly.

Last updated