How do I participate in a quest/raid?

Participating in a quest is quick and easy!

Start here:

  1. Once you are logged in to your Discord you will see collections for projects that you are in the server of.

  2. Select the collection which you know is hosting, or launching a quest.

  3. From the collections page you will see Active/Closed tabs. If a quest is not finished it will appear in the 'Active' tab.

  4. Click the 'Start' button on the selected quest.

  5. Follow the steps of the quest until verified, and completed. Note: There may be multiple quests running for your collection at a time. Read the quests name to best determine which, if not all of the quests you want to participate in. Quests may also be role specific. If you do not have a certain role in that collections Discord, you may not be eligible for their quest.

Last updated